Unknown Display: A gap between 2 display screens

Jagatjyoti G Tuladhar
2 min readJan 11, 2018



Its quite astonishing to see that Ubuntu has this issue or feature where there is a gap between the displays.

While working at the office, the office has provided an addition screen beside my laptop screen for easy switches between workspace for more productivity. As suddenly when i drag the the application from one screen to another my it was lost in the middle.

I thought the application must have crashed and closed manual going to launcher pad with right clicking and pressing the Quit option. Here is the interesting part the next time I opened the application it didn’t do as i expected of opening up. It was running in the background but i could see the application to work on. Here i freaked out and was like whats wrong with the application. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it again, this time the application ran as expected but when i dragged the application to my next screen. Bang… the same problem again.

With little bit of research found out that there is an Unknown Display which lies between Built-in Display i.e my laptop screen and Extended Screen i.e my next screen.


If you don’t want this unknown Display you have to simply disable the option in the Display setting.

Step 1: Simple search with keyword Displays

Step 2: In the all settings tab, select the Unknown Display in the picture.

Step 3: Turn off, the Unknown Display by clicking it.

Step 4: Apply it.

Walah!!! Your problem will be solved.

